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Teochew (Chaozhou) for English Speakers



This website is meant to help Teochews who are brought up in an English-speaking environment and wish to know more about Teochew Language (dialect), Teochew Nursery Rhymes, Sightseeing in Teochew Prefecture (Chaoshan) as well as know a little about Teochew Prefecture and its People. Teochew (or Tiochiu) is also known was Chaozhou in Mandarin and Chiuchow in Cantonese.

Teochew Prefecture

Occupies about 10,400 sq km, in north-east corner of Guangdong Province, China. Details.......

Teochew People

There are about 10 million Teochews in Teochew Prefecture, China. In addition, a guestimated 5-10 million Teochews live outside mainland China, including those living in Hong Kong. Details.......

Romanised Teochew

I have Romanised Teochew Language (dialect), using a phonetic system suitable for English Speakers, taking into account Teochew Language's 8 tones, tone change and nasal words. Details.......

Teochew Nursery Rhymes

For Teochews, Teochew Nursury Rhymes are wonderful to recite to their children and grandchildren as well as giving Teochews a sense of connection with their Teochew roots.  Details.......

Visit Teochew Prefecture in 2005

See photo slides of my 2005 and 2011 trip to Chaozhou, Shantou and Jieyang cities as well as to Huilai, Puning, Chenghai, Raoping, Nan’ao and Chaoyang counties.  Details.......

Making Teochew Kue

Make Teochew Kue: Png Kue, Cabbage Kue and Ku Chai Kue. In the YouTube videos, I spelled "kue" as "kueh" as this is the usual spelling in English.

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Condition of Use

While I try to ensure accuracy, users shall not hold me responsible for any inaccuracy or oversight.

©Copyright 2009, Tan Peng Boon, Singapore.
Access to this website is free, but copyrights are reserved, i.e. no one is permitted to copy material from this website without my written permission.

E-mail: Kindly e-mail your feedback and requests to pengboon1@yahoo.com.sg

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Total Hits: 415,282
Last Update: 23-Apr-2023